Reducing risk of airborne contaminants
With the world facing a pandemic related to the coronavirus, (COVID-19), we are on hyper-alert looking for ways to minimize its spread. According to the WHO and CDC, coronavirus spreads just as other viruses do from person-to-person, mainly through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. As the saying goes ‘coughs and sneezes spread diseases’ and it’s certainly true in this case. However, amongst all the discussion about what is best for killing viruses there is one proven way that has been shown to destroy viruses and that is via ultraviolet (UV) light.
Why UV radiation?
UV radiation affects the viability of microorganisms by causing photochemical reactions in the structure of DNA and RNA. Germicidal UV-C systems artificially generate a wavelength of 254 nm which inactivates (disrupts DNA) of microorganisms including viruses, bacteria and mould. Germicidal UV has been used safely in water, air and surface disinfection since 1955. Quick fact: 1903 Niels Finsen won the Nobel Prize for medicine for using UV therapy (sun baths) to target tuberculosis of the skin called lupus vulgaris.
Being able to harness the power of UVC light can make all the difference in stopping the spread and multiplication of these germs and viruses.
Easy to use, easy to install
Integrating UV light into your workspace doesn’t require scientific expertise or a huge investment.
Our UVR-M and UVR-Mi UV air recirculators are equipped with bactericidal UV lamps and can be used for air disinfection in research laboratories, veterinary clinics, schools, hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, waiting rooms etc. In fact, anywhere where you will have many people passing through regularly.
The UVR-M and UVR-Mi have been designed with 1 or 2 for the UVR-Mi germicidal UV lamps emitting at 254nm, a fan unit equipped with dust filters and a control unit, confined in a flow-through chamber. Air is brought into the unit from the surrounding space, passed over the UV lamp, through a dust filter (replaceable) and back out into the same space-cleaner and with less contaminants.
These units are either wall-mounted or moveable with the tripod accessory, so you can wheel them around to maximise germicidal activity and they come with a built-in timer and a digital tracker so you can see UV lamp operating time on the UVR-Mi model.
Before and after UVR-Mi use

Sensitivity of microorganisms to UV radiation intensity in UV air recirculators UVR-M and UVR-Mi

Microorganism examples

If you want to find out more about our range of UV air recirculators why not get in touch with us today to learn more. Simply email us at, call our expert team on +44 (0) 1763 260 811 or visit our product page.
Anderson, Deverick J et al. “Decontamination of targeted pathogens from patient rooms using an automated ultraviolet-C-emitting device.” Infection control and hospital epidemiology vol. 34,5 (2013): 466-71. doi:10.1086/670215